Christmas Day - Santa Claus DID come after all !


It was a happy Christmas Day. The boys were happy as anything with their presents. Each got a 'big' present, too. Maxime a DJ mixing station, and Gabriel a Quad bike (electric).

Mari got me pens, and I got her ... pens.

We are kuckoo for pens. Any office supplies in fact.

Mama got stands and camera equipment to go with her iPad, so she can do interviews with people for her work, so she was very happy that Santa Claus came.

Papa was perhaps most pleased with a present from Valerii, a book he has wanted to read for 25 years or more: Edward Gibbon's magisterial "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (18th c.). Thank you Santa Claus/Valerii !!

We did have one more thing to look forward to, after opening the presents: homemade tagliatellis!!!!


![](/content/images/2015/01/IMG_8147.JPG) *Upstairs, all assembling, before going down to see if Santa Claus came or not*

![](/content/images/2015/01/IMG_8187.JPG) *An old-fashioned gyroscope for Maxime*

Moliere's complete works, from Mama. Maxime loves Moliere; they read two of his comedys in school

Gabriel is loves Ferrari. We love how he says it. "Fewawi."

A poster of...? A Ferrari, that's right!

Maxime with a great Tshirt he got a real kick out of

Gabriel tries on a neat pair of new socks, which he took an instant liking to


Maxime helping to "find" Gabriel's new Quad bike