Today at the Carteret Beach - Part 1 - The Lunch
Carteret (actually Barneville-Carteret) is one-half of a twin town on the western coast of the Contentin (the large peninsula finger that sticks out into the ocean in Normandy). The coast here is truly stunning. Absolutlely sauvage - French for wild, natural.
A little map (the green dot is Carteret, the pink dot is where we live):
It was a little, early celebration of Natalya's birthday, which is Monday, so we took the day to spend together as a family. We are having a little BBQ next weekend for friends, to continue the celebration....
Today was just so amazing that I have to divide it up into three parts. There is just so much beauty and fun to share.
This first part is just to share with you a wonderful restauarant, in Carteret, called La Kalakiki. Don't worry, I have tried to remember this name, or even pronounce it quickly, and I have given up. Haha. Maxime and Mama laugh at me. That's fine, you keep laughing.
Hey, try this: "Ferfluchtundzugenaht".
This little restaurant has a tremendous popularity, and during the summer months there are long, long lines to get a table. Today, we just walked up, as it was before noon, and we are post-season.
The most famous thing (and as I was to discover, most rightly so) is the seafood "Choucroute". Choucroute is based on sauerkraut, believe it or not, and the "known, famous" choucrout is from Alsace (border: Germany) which has the sauerkraut, naturally, but it is all about pork pieces, and many different sorts of sausages, all piled up on a plate, and steaming.
So, to have a seafood Choucroute strikes the ear as funny. Sauerkraut, with its bitterness and tanginess, do NOT go with fish.
But here, it not only goes with it, but it is heaven.
Don't know how they do it, but the sauerkraut has no bitterness at all. It is creamy. With the absolutely fresh fish assortment, it is a dish that finds you sad you have to evenutally finish it -- you just want to have it go on for a while more.
Here's the menu. The Choucroute is on the left.
Gabriel had a little steak and french fries. He wasn't too enthusiastic about the steak after a while, so he concentrated on the "frites". Unfortunately, he even lost interest in those after a while, so, continuing on his personal quest for genuine culinary novelty, he invented a new French speciality: The Frite Sandwich.
Here it is:
Oh! We were laughing like crazy, it was so funny this silly little sandwhich, and he knew it. :-)