Gabriel, chopsticks and sushi


After riding and swimming (Gabriel and Maxime, respectively), we sometimes go to a restaurant the boys love: the local Chinese restaurant.

You can choose your own fresh ingredients, and it is cooked in a wok in front of you, or you can go the buffet. The boys choose the buffet.

The buffet is really long, and you can watch them going up and down, or all around, eyeing the latest offerings. But they anyway come back to their old favorites, and hardly vary their selection at all.

They finish it off with lychee nuts (Maxime - who once ate two bowls of them, and then never touched them again), or icecream.

For the icecream, they always get the same flavors. Gabriel asks me, without fail, to mash up his two flavors (vanille et fraise) with a spoon, until it turns into something resembling psychedelic soft icecream. He then proceeds to eat it all. He would go back for a second bowl — no problem — if we let him, which is not every time.

And by the way, he can really polish off a lot of sushi. He once ate about 20 pieces, maybe more. That was in the beginning, when he discovered sushi. Now he is a more reasonable chap and eats maybe 12 pieces.

Maxime helps his brother at the buffet. They both like the kebabs. Gabriel then has pretty much always and strictly sushi:

Sometimes, separating the two chopsticks can be difficult. But Gabriel is not one to give up very easily (LOL):