Gabriel's Sixth Birthday !!


The Batman cake surprise for Gabriel. For his school friends.

Gabriel putting his glasses on the outside.

Two sweet boys.

Gabriel goes to school in his beloved Batman costume.

Going into the Salon for presents!

Maxime helping Gabriel to assemble.

Some of the finished Legos, constructed together by the brothers.

Maxime organizing the pieces so he can give them quickly to Gabriel for assembly. Gabriel can read and follow the instruction diagrams and assemble any Lego now, by himself. But he wanted Maxime to participate, because he knows he likes it, too.

Maxime's neat present for his brother - three yellow Ferraris; Gabriel's favorite car.

The mushroom sauce for the pasta - Gabriel not only wanted mushroom sauce for his beloved pasta, but he chose the mushrooms himself at the supermarket.

Mama's cake.

Homemade chantilly - the only way. Natalya's is pure heaven.

Papa giving a go at the icing.

Gabriel's second cake completed (for us at home).

Making little macaroons with edible batman figures on top. Maxime, Gabriel, and Ulianka visiting from Moscow with her Mom, Gabriel's godmother, Tatiana. This is preparation for his second birthday party, with his invited friends.

Tatiana, Gabriel's godmother. And Natalya's best friend.

The way to the swimming pool, for the party. A wild ride. Gabriel in heaven, with so many friends around him.

One brave driver.

Arriving at the pool.

Video of his day: