Mari has done it, Ladies and Gentlemen! She has finished her Master's Thesis.
It was turned in yesterday, at the precise hour, neatly bound, and chock-full of thoughts to set her professors' heads spinning, there can be little doubt about that, no sir eeeee.
She's thrilled, and she celebrated with all sorts of alchoholic libations, which is certainly her due, and we sent her flowers, to let her know we are so very proud of her and that we are honored to have such an intellectual daughter and we hope very much that she will deign to speak to us on her return.
Congratulations Mankin! Super, super job! We are very proud of you.
I cannot wait to read it. It is about the importance and prevelance of "table" (ie, meals) in Russian literature, replete with drawings of her own devising.
Hmmmmmm, this is going to be very interesting .....
A ways back, she sent me a draft sketch of one meal, from, I believe, Dostoyevsky (The Idiot?).
It tracks the movements of the attendees of this tea, as well as the objects on the table.
Now I don't know about you, but this is just too adventurous and clever.
Here it is: