Maxime's Lego


When Maxime and I play Legos on his insanely extensive tabletop setup, I am actually allowed to build my own stuff. But there are rules. Lots of rules.

Sometimes we play a sort of "city" game, where things are peaceful, and other times it is more of a battle scenario. Okay, so guess which one Maxime prefers.

Today was a classic case. Battle scenario. "Sure, Maxime." But I have a funny feeling I'm gonna lose.

So, he says: "These are your pieces."

And I says: "Where are your pieces?"

"Here," he says, pointing to an immense pile of army droids (from Star Wars).

But here's the thing. The pieces he had alotted to me consisted of the following:

A) A boy on a bike, and a busted up tank with no gun

B) A girl

C) A Wookie with a crossbow, riding on a bear

Please do note, dear reader, the complete absence of any heavy weaponry for my figures.

And give me a break. A girl?

The funny thing was, he actually let me win!

And little Gabriel, meanwhile, was standing at the other side of the table, playing on his own, not wishing to interfere with the big guys. Gabriel doesen't even like battles or fighting things at all, bless his sweet heart.