Santy Claus is ....


We have a little chaulk board in the kitchen. There is no particular purpose to it. It started off as something Gabriel could learn to write on, but now that he writes, it has ended up on the kitchen counter.

Sometimes, Natalya writes what is going to be for dinner. Papa usually cannot resist but to add a little drawing of that dinner. For example, if it is chicken, then Papa will draw a little chicken running around. You get the idea.

Now the other day, it occured to me that Christmas was not that far off, so I made a little drawing of Santy Claus, as I call him. And the boys liked that.

Well recently I discovered that something had been written below my Santy Claus drawing.

It was by Maxime, he added to my text of "Santy Claus" the following:

####"is caming."